Life Of Elyse BLOG

MAGIC for the fit & healthy!

Who else wakes up sore after a big workout?! That feeling when brushing your teeth, getting changed & getting into your car … hurts! Firstly you should be happy with yourself as it means you've had a monster workout at the gym which is amazing! Secondly though, you should listen to your body & take good care of it. 

I was recently introduced to Salt Lab’s Magnesium Oil – an oil to help with sleep, recovery & performance. It’s a dream, in fact people are calling it “magic oil”. A Conscious Collection recently did a story about the benefits to sleep the oil has… it’s worth a read! Don't be alarmed if after spraying the oil on it tingles a little - that's normal. But make sure you read the bottle before using it as it'll direct you how to best use & apply. In a nutshell the oil assists with treatment of cramps, spasms and aches & it can help regulate your hormones before going to bed... like a relaxant. 

Remember guys, after a big run or gym session, look after your body with a really good stretch. Dedicate at least 10-20 mins if you can to give your legs, arms & back some love! Stretching properly can help to prevent strains & soreness & it will make sure you can get up the following day feeling ready to go again!

Your neck & lower back are particularly important because if you throw these out, it can be make life super hard. Hop on Google or YouTube and look up the following stretches. Try and hold each one for 1-5mins (each side if necessary). It’s great to be fit guys, but it’s better to be healthy, strong & pain free!

  • Lower-Back Twist
  • Child’s Pose
  • Knee-to-Chest Stretch
  • The Pelvic Tilt
  • Hip Stretch

And finally when you’re working out – keep your workout gear comfortable. Avoid sports bras that are too tight around the shoulders (even if you like the way they look girls!). Be well supported but not constricted. And when the workout gets tough, breathing is your best friend! Big deep breaths!! Drink lots of water before & after and congratulate yourself when you're done with a yummy/HEALTHY breaky! All of my favourite Smoothie & Bowl recipes are here. Giving yourself something to look forward to can make the session a breeze!  

As you all know, I am a huge advocate for keeping fit & strong. The health benefits it has on your mental state as well as your body are amazing. If you're feeling a little down or sad - it's ok. In fact it's super normal!! Don't ignore it though. Instead grab your Mum or a buddy and go for a big walk. The endorphins alone will help to boost your mood immediately.  Look after yourselves and each other guys!! 

Elyse xxx