Life Of Elyse BLOG

Meet Megan

Megan Gale, From Me To You

Megan Gale, From Me To You

"I think everyone's path is meant to go a certain way including the good, the bad, the ugly - all of it. It shapes us & makes us who we are - "

These are words spoken by one of the most grounded, accomplished & successful women in this business - Megan Gale. I've had the incredible pleasure of getting to know Megan more personally over the last year & in that short time I have learnt so much. Megan is real. She's strong, wise and unapologetically herself ... she's the real deal. 

Including Megan in the pages of From Me To You is something I'm so excited about. Girls & women need to surround themselves in people who are genuine. Women who get up in the morning, do the hard yards without complaining, show kindness and gratitude to everyone they encounter & then have the discipline to switch off at the end of the day to let their mind and body recoup and rejuvenate. Women who don't get caught up in what isn't real - and who focus on what they cherish, their loved ones. 

I hope you all read & love this interview between Megan & myself because it's definitely one that'll make you think, life is what you make it.

Thank you so much Megan for taking time to share such honesty! I appreciate it more than words!

Elyse x