Life Of Elyse BLOG

Spring Clean

Elyse Knowles by Ed Purnomo

I wanted to do write a post around "spring cleaning," when it comes to our minds & bodies. It's coming up to that time of year where our jackets & coats are coming off, and our bathers are coming out of the closet! YAY!

Of course we all want to feel fresh & great about ourselves moving into the summery part of the year, so if you're in a fitness phase - good on you! If you can try to squeeze in at least 30-45mins per day, you are going to see some positive changes in your body, in your energy levels & your mindset. Your “can-do” attitude is only going to show up if you let it, so be honest & real with yourself. If you know you CAN do something, then do it. If you know you have the time & the ability to get up a little earlier for a walk or gym session - DO IT! If you can take the stairs over the lift - DO IT! If you can walk to the grocery store instead of driving - DO IT. If you can squeeze in a 3 or 4 more squats before your legs turn into jelly ... DO IT!

It's not always about the style of work out that counts, its the effort you put in & the state of mind you pair with it. Back yourself & push yourself. It’s no one else’s responsibility but your own. Put in the extra efforts each day & you’ll see & feel change. I promise you.

I think the biggest thing thats gets in the way of a health kick is ... our homes! Who else has a stash of naughty foods in their fridge or their pantry? I do!! If you are really trying to kick start some healthy habits in time for summer (or just in general), then try & remove some of the temptations. Fill the fridge which delicious, fresh, nutritious food. Make it look like a rainbow in there! Anything that doesn't come in a packet is going to be a good friend to you, so if you can, jump on Google & research your nearest markets. A great weekend activity is heading to the market (with your eco friendly bags), and strolling around looking at all of the fresh product. Be creative & brave… try new things.

Going home to a house that is stocked with goodness will definitely help you in terms of maintaining good habits. Of course we should all let ourselves indulge from time-to-time, but see if you can work for your treat. If you nail three epic workouts, then of course, reward yourself. Everything in moderation is a safe rule to follow.

If I ever have a naughty treat in the house, it will be gone by the time I go to bed. Not in the bin, in my belly!! No questions asked! If there is a whole block of chocolate, Josh & I will eat it all! We try & stop our naughty treating by not having the blocks in the house too often. If i crave something, I’ll walk down to the shops & grab it. This makes me think, “is it really worth it?” Sometimes it IS haha! A Reece’s Peanut Butter Cup is my weakness. Other times, I know I am just being moody or lazy, so I opt for something healthier & homemade … even if it’s raw chocolate. It’s healthy & sweet, I can control what goes into it & it hits the spot every time.

Making sure we have a belly full of vegetables, fruits, proteins & good healthy fats (omega 3s found in salmon, avo, chia, walnuts etc) is what we all need to feel active, energised & strong. Not eating enough will just make you crash or give up before you’ve reached your full potential. Food is fuel! Food is essential… not to mention delicious!

From Me To You covers all of this over a few chapters as health & wellness (both mental & physical) is a huge part of my life. I've also popped some photos below of things that I personally always make sure to include in my weekly diet . Josh too! If you and your partner/roommate/family member all stick together, you'll have a much better chance of staying on a healthy track. The beautiful photos are from my bestie Brooke Meredith, queen of all things healthy & editor of A Conscious Collection.

These new photos of me by the legend Ed Purnomo, represent me feeling wholesome, fresh, toned & strong. When I look at them I see a state-of-mind that is positive & a smile that is genuine and starts from the inside out. I use these to push me. I use them as a reminder that I always have the ability to feel great - but it’s up to me to do the work!

So if you’re “spring cleaning” your mind & home in time for summer, just think … the more you put in, the more you’ll get out.

Elyse x