Life Of Elyse BLOG

My Seafolly Dream

Elyse Knowles Seafolly Campaign 6.jpg

"If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you."

This quote really stood out to me recently hence why I used it for an Instagram caption. It instantly captured my attention because it's honest, it's true and it's brave! I can't help but continuously encourage people to push themselves a little bit harder day after day. Just when you're about to hit cruise control, this is when you really need to charge! What's the worst that can happen? Getting to the end of each day knowing you gave it 150% is the very best feeling.

As a model, it can be tough getting a big break. It's a competitive world that can change in the blink of an eye. There are so many incredible people around doing amazing things - it blows my mind. Rather than getting too sidetracked by everything going on around me however,  I stay super focused on my personal & specific goals. Even though some seem huge, they're never ever too big. Anything & everything is possible if you set your sights on something & just work as hard as you have to, to get it. Stay focused & stay on track. 

I can't begin to describe the feeling I got when I received a call saying I'd booked a Seafolly ambassadorship. My whole world just stopped in the moment!!! I don't know if it was happiness, shock, excitement or disbelief! But I was so proud. Booking a Seafolly campaign has been a goal in the making for many, many years - no joke. Seafolly is an iconic brand. They've been around since the 70's and they have worked with some of the most amazing Australian & international models including Miranda Kerr, Jess Hart, Gigi Hadid, Behati Prinsloo, Catherine McNeil and more. I am beyond over the moon to be added to this list. 

Never think that a dream or a goal is bigger than you or out of your reach. If others can do it, YOU can do it. 

If others say you can't, prove them wrong!!! Challenge yourself in life to push hard, work hard. 

I'm so excited to share the campaign images with you as well as the behind-the-scenes shots from the shoot down on Bondi beach. Seafolly's new range is beautiful! Think of summery French chic styles with touches of western influence. I felt beautifully strong, feminine & playful wearing this collection - just how summer should feel.

Keep your eye on the blog, I have many more images yet to share with you all! Hope you enjoy the range as much as I loved working with this amazing company.

Elyse x