Life Of Elyse BLOG

Visionary Women

It was an absolute pleasure to be invited along to the Visionary Women event hosted by Harper's Bazaar & their lovely editor-in-chief Eugenie Kelly. The event was held at the Cell Block Theatre National Art School in Darlinghurst Sydney - and it was a spectacular night to say the least!

I went along as a guest with Land Rover Aus and honestly, my mind was blown by the calibre of extraordinary women circling the room. During the night we heard from a panel of standout women including Louise Milligan (an ABC reporter), Laura Wells (a conservationist & sustainability influencer), Clementine Ford (an extremely driven & active feminist) and Rebecca Huntley (a writer amongst many things as well as an activist for saving our planet). These four are just a small collection of those who blew the room away. All talking on matters such as the #MeToo movement & financial freedom amongst women - they has so much passion, intelligence, heart and soul. It was hard to walk away feeling anything but hungry to push for more goodness and change in this world.

Elyse Knowles - Haper's Bazaar Visionary Women 2019

I feel really lucky to go to events like these. To hear about what people are doing, the fights they're fighting & the various causes they're literally dedicating their days to, is quite moving. It's so important in life to go beyond your comfort zone when it comes to expanding your network and mingling with people who take pride in pushing their existence to a whole new level

It's can be very easy to get stuck inside our bubbles from time to time, but when you do breakout and listen to the stories people have to share, your awareness of the world grows by a mile. Your notice new things, you appreciate diversity & you learn so, SO much.

To support not only our friends & families, but people in our wider communities who are trying their best to push for long lasting, positive change is something we should all do more of. A lot more of!

Thank you so much Harpers Bazaar (@bazaaraustralia) & Land Rover Aus (@landroveraus) for including me in what was a particular memorable evening.

Thank you also to my team for styling me in a white beautiful gown by Nicola Finetti (@nicola_finetti) from Myer (@myer), heels by Tony Bianco (@tonybianco) and jewellery by Linden Cook (@lindencook). Lana Wilkinson & ByNormie, you guys are gems.

Photos below by the lovely @chloepaulphoto

Elyse x